Abandoned Puppy Fought So Hard To Get Better

Abandoned Puppy Fought So Hard To Get Better

Abandoned puppy goes to the beach for the first time and it’s magic 💓

On a day in Texas, a small abandoned puppy sought refuge under   Abigail ‘s car , crying for help. Her frail and emaciated appearance resembled that of a skeletal figure, showing the extent of her extreme weakness.

The compassionate rescuers offered him help by providing him with some food and water, while giving him space as he trembled in fear.

Finally, she mustered the courage to come out of hiding on her own.

Rescuing Ellie

When the puppy, later named Ellie, emerged from under the car,   Abigail  (Ellie’s rescuer) quickly put a leash on her.

Ellie was completely terrified. “She just went into turtle mode,”  Abigail told The Dodo.

But, at that moment, the most important thing was to get her to the vet as soon as possible. They thought he had parvovirus, a highly contagious virus that is deadly if untreated.

Fortunately, it wasn’t parvovirus.

“Our vet told us he had been eating so much junk that his stomach was really hurting. But in a few weeks she should be as good as new,”   Abigail said:

The poor baby had survived on garbage for who knows how long, but luckily she reached the right person who was going to help her heal.

At the vet,   Abigail  found out that Ellie was only about six months old, so she was still just a baby.

Although you would never have known it from looking at her dry, flaky coat, Ellie was actually a Golden Retriever mix.

During the first few days at  Abigail ‘s house , Ellie was still quite scared.

“There was completely no response the first few days. But she learned that we weren’t going to hurt her. It was really just a matter of trying to get her to come out of her shell,”   Abigail said .

Growing up as a beautiful golden girl
After a couple of days, she finally regained some energy to go outside.

“The tennis ball, he saw it and immediately got hooked. She wanted to play, she has it inside her. From then on, it was much better,”   Abigail said .

It was so cute to see Ellie play and act like a puppy should.

Little by little, she transformed into such a lively and fun dog. Her skin and coat also improved and became healthier every day.

“We really made sure she allowed herself to feel comfortable.”

Ahora, Ellie es una  perrita completamente diferente, casi irreconocible. Se convirtió en una hermosa chica dorada con un pelaje exuberante y mucha personalidad.

Adora pasear en coche, sacar la cabeza y las patas por la ventana y ir a la playa.

La primera vez que la llevaron a la playa para celebrar su recuperación, fue la niña más feliz del mundo.

“Comenzó a cavar y se volvió loca corriendo por la playa, mirando hacia el océano. Le encantó. Fue un momento tan monumental para ella”.

Ellie es una verdadera luchadora y trabajó duro para llegar al punto en el que está ahora. Tuvo una recuperación increíble.

Ellie tiene su propia cuenta de Instagram si quieres seguirla y ver más de su vida.
Asegúrate de seguir también a Artemis Animal Rescue, Texas, y apoyar su programa de rescate.

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